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brand building

strategic alliances

ip creation

and more...

Our ​Services

At Pimiento Entertainment Group, our turnkey ​model creates business opportunities for our ​partners—artists, celebrities, and companies—to ​launch new brands across various industries. We ​specialize in identifying the right partners, ​manufacturers, and investors to develop ​innovative brands.

Our team offers comprehensive services, including ​conceptualization, development, and market ​research. We pinpoint key niche markets where ​opportunities can thrive and bring industry ​experts on board to guide each project, ensuring ​professional management.

We assist in structuring each project legally and ​financially, providing robust support throughout ​the process. Additionally, we can help secure ​funding through our extensive network of ​investors, ensuring your project has the ​financial backing it needs to succeed.

Partner with Pimiento Entertainment Group and ​transform your vision into a thriving brand.

01 Brand Building

Brand building in the entertainment industry is ​the process of establishing and enhancing the ​reputation, identity, and recognition of artists, ​celebrities and their works. Pimiento ​Entertainment Group takes on the responsibility of ​crafting a compelling brand story for their ​clients that resonates with their target audience.

02 Strategic Alliances

Strategic alliances involve forming partnerships ​with other entities in multiple industries to leve​rage each other's strengths and resources. Pimi​ento Entertainment Group understands the importanc​e of strategic collaborations and facilit​ates connections to drive mutual gro​w​th.

03 IP Creation

Intellectual Property (IP) creation involves ​assisting artists, athletes and celebrities in ​generating valuable IPs that extend far beyond ​their immediate performances or appearances. We ​offer comprehensive services for the ​conceptualization, development, and protection of ​unique content, ensuring that the IP can be ​effectively monetized across various platforms and ​industries. By partnering with Pimiento ​Entertainment Group, clients can create a diverse ​portfolio of IP in the form of products and ​services, from merchandise and digital media to ​licensing deals and branded experiences.

For Artists ​Athletes & ​Celebrities

Glamorous Celebrity Woman Surrounded By Paparazzi Photographers
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Athlete running

Collaborating with Pimiento Entertainment Group helps ​artists, athletes, and celebrities create a lasting legacy, ​expand market reach, and drive sales growth. We align your ​brand with resonant audiences, accessing new markets and ​fostering consumer loyalty. Celebrity endorsements can boost ​sales by up to 20%, enhancing product appeal.

Owning a brand creates multiple income streams and authentic ​consumer connections, increasing sales and brand awareness. ​This approach offers greater control and long-term financial ​growth compared to traditional sponsorships. Social media ​platforms like Instagram and Twitter provide opportunities ​to promote your brands, engage directly with consumers, and ​build loyal online communities. This engagement amplifies ​your brand’s reach and trust, driving significant growth and ​success.

For Brands ​and ​Companies

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Grayscale Photo of a Citizen Brand Wristwatch
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Partnering with Pimiento Entertainment Group helps brands ​and companies expand their market reach and boost sales by ​leveraging celebrity influence. Aligning with well-known ​artists, athletes, and celebrities lets you tap into new ​demographics and build stronger consumer connections and ​loyalty. Celebrity endorsements enhance brand equity and ​differentiation, making products more appealing.

Celebrities’ genuine passion for endorsed products offers an ​alternative to traditional advertising, creating deeper ​consumer connections. Social media platforms like Instagram ​and TikTok enable brands to connect with vast audiences, ​drive engagement, and build online communities. This direct ​interaction fosters loyalty, while user-generated content ​enhances brand perception and amplifies reach. By working ​with Pimiento Entertainment Group, your brand benefits from ​efficient processes and increased consumer trust, driving ​substantial sales growth and long-term success.

The future looks ​bright for ​celebrity-owned ​brands

In today’s competitive business environment, ​companies seek innovative ways to capture ​consumer interest and boost sales. At Pimiento ​Entertainment Group, we recognize the power of ​collaborations between brands and celebrities. ​These partnerships are powerful marketing tools ​that enhance both sales and brand awareness.

Celebrity partnerships allow companies to tap ​into new markets and demographics previously out ​of reach. By aligning with celebrities who ​resonate with specific audiences, brands can ​effectively target and engage new consumers, ​fostering connection and loyalty.

Social media accelerates this growth by ​providing direct communication between ​celebrities and their fans. Platforms like ​Instagram and TikTok showcase products in ​compelling ways, increasing brand affinity and ​turning consumers into advocates.

At Pimiento Entertainment Group, we believe in ​the transformative power of celebrity ​partnerships, driving visibility and substantial ​sales growth.

Our Mission

At Pimiento Entertainment Group, our mission is to empower ​artists, Athletes and celebrities to reach their full ​potential by providing innovative solutions that build ​brands, foster strategic collaborations, and unleash the ​value of their intellectual creations. We are committed to ​crafting compelling narratives, forging meaningful ​partnerships, and leveraging cutting-edge technology to ​shape the future of entertainment.

Our Vision

Our vision at Pimiento Entertainment Group is to be the ​leading force that transforms the entertainment landscape ​through dynamic brand building, strategic alliances, and ​intellectual property innovation. We aspire to be the go-to ​partner for artists, renowned for our ability to cultivate ​their unique identities, connect them with valuable ​partners, and empower their creations to resonate globally. ​We envision a future where Pimiento's influence elevates ​artists to unparalleled heights, reshaping the industry with ​creativity, collaboration, and lasting impact.



Felipe Pimiento is a seasoned Music Entertainment Executive in the ​Latin Music field, boasting over 20 years of experience. He currently ​manages the career of renowned Grammy-winning artist Marc Anthony, a ​significant figure in the realm of Latin music and culture.

At present, Mr. Pimiento holds the title of Chief Operating Officer at ​Magnus Media, a versatile entertainment company known for its ​innovative approach to merging content creation and commerce. Under ​this umbrella, various branches operate, including artist management, ​talent booking, music publishing, digital studios, a music label, and ​an entertainment-focused marketing division. This division capitalizes ​on the influence of prominent Latino content creators on a global ​scale.

With a rich background spanning live show production, content ​development, and strategic partnerships, Mr. Pimiento's extensive ​involvement in entertainment features collaborations with renowned ​names like Madonna, Jennifer Lopez, Britney Spears, and others. Before ​Magnus, he served as Vice President at King Productions, contributing ​to major concert tour creativity and production. Notably, he was ​involved in producing the groundbreaking "Q'Viva The Chosen" TV ​series, a collaboration with Jennifer Lopez and Marc Anthony that ​achieved historic milestones in terms of its simulcast on Univision ​and Fox, setting new standards for industry synergy.

Elevating Entertainment, ​Igniting Creativity!

For Inquiries

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